What is stress? Stress is your subconscious telling you that you have sh*t to do. Feeling stressed about your health? Go to the gym everyday. Feeling stressed about your financial situation? Get a more high paying job. If only things were that simple. In this post, I’m going to teach you how to get rid your stress by understanding where your stress is coming from, then come up with an action plan and execute actions to address the source of your stress. This is not another “top 10 things you can do to ….” article. I will be discussing specific algorithms and heuristics with roots in computer science and mathematics that can be followed for every step of your journey to eliminating the source of your stress.

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When I work at my federal job on a close intranet network, we often had to access information from different databases and filesystems through custom or share point websites which did not have the best user interface. It was a pain point for me and many of my colleagues. I decided to make a set of single page applications (SPAs) with nicer UX for querying the databases and file systems.

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Being great at coding interviews doesn’t necessarily make you a great developer and being a great developer doesn’t necessarily make you great at interviews. However, you need to pass the interview to get the job. Most tech companies, public or startups, have started drawing from the same pool of interview material, adopted the same set of coding challenges and problems for candidates to solve. Coding interviews can be challenging and stressful, but with enough practice, research, and preparation, it can be very manageable.

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Nothing strikes more anxiety and self-doubt than the dreaded job interview. The thought of participating in an activity designed for the sole purpose of evaluating your worth and the potential for rejection is enough to discourage many people from applying to jobs for which they lack all of the qualifications requested by the job posting. While qualification is important to accomplish the advertised job, it is not everything an employer looks for in a person they want to hire to be a part of the team, to grow with the company and help the company grow. The goal of this article is to provide a guide based on my personal experience for how to prepare for getting offers from jobs for which you don’t have all the qualifications.

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This is a cheatsheet of all the git commands that I’ve ever used in my career as a programmer and contributor of open source projects. I’m not a git power user (I use about three commands on a daily basis). From time to time, I still use this cheatsheet to for a quick lookup of a special command.

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It’s not always clear why we need need a personal website. But here’s the truth: we are a product (a brand) with unique skills to offer to prospective employees and customers. A website is an effective medium to let the world know who we are, what we are capable of, and what our values are. Building a personal website has never been easier these days with tools like Hugo.

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If you asked me to give you three facts about myself, I would tell you (1) I’m a evening and weekend entrepreneur, (2) when I start working on something I enjoy, I can’t put it down, and (3) I love coffee. This a formula for disaster because I have a full time job that I have to show up to by 9AM and I’m a normal human person who needs at least 6 hours of sleep.

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Aaron Zhou

Firmware Enginner, Ph.D in Controls Engineering, Senior IEEE Member.

Firmware Engineer

Bay Area