The coding interviews / coding challenges are designed to assess how productive someone can be with the language. In contrast to the algorithm whiteboarding interview, which assesses how the candidate go about solving a problem, or the architecture design interview, which assesses how the candidate’s experience in system engineering and product design, the coding interview is is utilized by the company interviewing you to answer one question:

Can you be productive with JavaScript?

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Linked list is like an array but more flexible. Elements in an array are stored contiguously in memory while linked lists are stored as nodes with two fields: current value and a pointer to the next thing in the list. We are going to implement linked list in JavaScript and go over some algorithms with the linked list.

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When I work at my federal job on a close intranet network, we often had to access information from different databases and filesystems through custom or share point websites which did not have the best user interface. It was a pain point for me and many of my colleagues. I decided to make a set of single page applications (SPAs) with nicer UX for querying the databases and file systems.

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Aaron Zhou

Firmware Enginner, Ph.D in Controls Engineering, Senior IEEE Member.

Firmware Engineer

Bay Area