What is stress? Stress is your subconscious telling you that you have sh*t to do. Feeling stressed about your health? Go to the gym everyday. Feeling stressed about your financial situation? Get a more high paying job. If only things were that simple. In this post, I’m going to teach you how to get rid your stress by understanding where your stress is coming from, then come up with an action plan and execute actions to address the source of your stress. This is not another “top 10 things you can do to ….” article. I will be discussing specific algorithms and heuristics with roots in computer science and mathematics that can be followed for every step of your journey to eliminating the source of your stress.

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Ubuntu and Upstart A while back Ubuntu switched from the classic bash script disaster know as SysV to upstart. I won’t even get started on how terrible SysV was, but it was pretty bad as it was all shell scripts, no dependencies, no events, no parallelization, no integrated process monitoring, cgroups, etc. I’ve used systemd before both in Fedora and embedded systems based around openembedded and loved it. It seems more natural and powerful then upstart.

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Aaron Zhou

Firmware Enginner, Ph.D in Controls Engineering, Senior IEEE Member.

Firmware Engineer

Bay Area